Dota 2 is a quite popular game, thousands of new players come to the game every day and they are all unfamiliar with all the nuances of the game. Therefore, they make many mistakes at the start.
Hero attachment
Very often, beginning players choose a character with high damage and play with it all the time. To start, you need to play at least 2-3 characters. It is also not worth immediately rushing into battle with them. It is worth playing a few battles with bots and understanding how this or that character works, and only then can you proceed directly to the battle with real players.

Underestimation of experience
Many beginners do not realize the full value of experience. Many pay attention only to gold, but this is a completely wrong tactic, experience is also very important. Sometimes in battle it is better not to rush with an attack, you can simply collect experience in the places with creeps.
Ignoring Roshan
VIgnoring Roshan is also a fairly common mistake among players. Many gamers prefer to destroy an enemy building rather than Roshan, but that’s a big mistake. It can give you a nice bonus in the form of gold and experience, as well as the opportunity to resurrect some hero. If you kill not one Roshan, but 2-3, you already have a good advantage in combat.
By eliminating these mistakes, you will significantly progress further in this game. The number of victories will definitely increase, the main thing is to do everything right.